Wednesday, July 20, 2011

In the beggining...

My employment is coming to an end, I have relatively no responsibilities.  So what better than to leave my current life behind in search for that tantalizing unknown. 

I have a tendency to do things haphazardly and usually will just "wing it."  So riding a bicycle across ~2700 miles of terrain with only a small idea of what to expect is a good way to get into some trouble.  Though, what is life without a little challenge?

So some details:  I'm about to be jobless, homeless, and no responsibilities (other than keep myself alive of course).  So what better time than to up and explore the mountains on a bike.  I have never done a touring trip before, hell the farthest I have ridden in a day has been 45-50 miles; now I have to do that every day for many days on end... it shall be interesting.  Let alone the fact that I will be riding injured too.  I tore some ligaments in my left ankle a couple weeks ago and being the crazy man I am I have been riding on it and using it as much as it will allow instead of staying off of it and letting it heal properly.

I will be taking the Tour Divide route from here to Banff, then the Northern Tier route to Bellingham.  Here is a link to the major touring routes across the US:

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